Wednesday, May 29, 2013


There are some physical process that happen in the atmosphere. The first one is the SOLAR RADIATION. Actually, there are 3 ways a heat can transfered. The first one is radiation, it is when a heat from and object transfered through space. This one is  the one that cause the solar radiation. the second way is convection. Covection is when the heat transfered from the air. The last way is the conduction. Conduction is when the heat transfered through another object. So, Solar radiation is a process when the sunlight or ultraviolet, came to earth and pass through atmosphere. The heat from the ultraviolet is decreased and eliminated because of the atmosphere. So the remaining heat from the ultraviolet pass the atmosphere and get in the earth. This heat is the one that we can found every day. Because of the atmosphere, we can get the sun heat without being burned because if there is no atmosphere all the heat from the ultraviolet will came and the earth will be burned. BUT WHY DOES THE EARTH GETTING HOT? the earth is become hotter than before. This is happening because of the  green house effect. WHAT? THERE IS A HOUSE IN THE SPACE?!! NO.  The green house effect is when the heat from the ultraviolet trapped in our atmosphere. This thing is happe because of gases from polution such as carbon dioxide. We produce the carbon dioxide. WHAT?!! WHEN??! The carbon dioxide produced when we rive our cars, motorcycles and those kind of stuff. The carbon dioxide also produced because of air polution from factories.  So yeah, the one that keeps our surface warm is the ultraviolet sunlight. The picture below shows this process.

The second process is the water cycle proccess. The water cycle proccess is proccess of water movement. So this proccess when water changes from water to water again. DID YOU GET IT?? I WILL EXPLAIN. So the first proccess is evaporation and transpiration. Evaporation is when water from sea or lake evaporated because of the heat from the sun. Transpiration is when water from the plants become a water vapor because of the heat from the sun. After this proccess, the water vapor changed into a cloud. This proccess called the condentation. After the cloud created, the water vapor keep increasing until the cloud become full of water. If the cloud is too full, it will create a proccess called the precipation also known as rain. So the water from the precipation goes to the lake or the sea and then evaporate again until the cycle starts again.
Here is the picture:

That’s it kids! Have fun!!

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